Sometimes, someone unexpected comes into your life out of nowhere, makes your heart race, and changes you forever. We attorneys call those people cops, and if you encounter one in a DUI or PI, remain silent and call me.   

However, before you talk to an adjuster, hire an attorney or sign any papers, call for a FREE Confidential PI/DUI Strategy Analysis Consultation to determine your needs. Gribow, with 25+ Top Lawyer Awards, 9 Man of the Year (The City of Palm Desert, The City of Hope, The California Senate) and 4 Dale Gribow Day’s promised Mario Hernandez, “Whether or not I accept your case, if you take the time to call, I will personally take the time to direct you.”

Don’t let a lawyer who hasn’t walked in your shoes as a fellow accident victim, tell you how to tie your laces. You need an Esquire, not an Escort! Of course most people never need a lawyer, however, plan ahead and note Dale’s info, in case you do…because people don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan!

Dale Gribow, a “Concierge” PI/DUI firm with 25+TOP LAWYER AWARDS promised Desert United , “If your members call, I will talk to them personally…not an assistant. If/When? necessary, I will refer them to another local lawyer.”


Dale Gribow

Attorney at Law

“TOP LAWYER” Palm Springs Life DUI/PI (2011-24)

“TOP LAWYER” Inland Empire Magazine

73-061 El Paseo, Suite 220

Palm Desert, CA 92260

Office - 760-837-7500

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