Predictive Safety is the global leader in fatigue management, prediction, and impairment detection. Our technology, PRISM & AlertMeter® allows you to reduce risk due to human factors by identifying when individual workers are fatigued and/or impaired. PRISM utilizes scientifically proven circadian science to effectively measure and predict fatigue risk within your workforce. The AlertMeter® is the premiere impairment detection tool used to ensure your workforce is cognitively fit for work on a daily basis.
Our solutions have been shown to significantly reduce incident rates, costs of incidents, worker's comp while increasing productivity offering a tremendous return on investment.
Whether you are concerned about impairment from Fatigue or Drugs/Alcohol, our tools allow you to measure an individual's cognitive fitness on a daily basis to make sure they are fit for duty.
Here are more resources:
Video: Steel company talks about how they use AlertMeter® within their drug program
Case Studies: How we save you money by reducing risk
Power Point - AlertMeter-DWD-Presentation
Anthony Jackson
(909) 532-1319
Mario Hernandez
Peter Hay
Vice President Of Marketing & Customer Success
Call: (303) 817-8781